On My Prose (50 Shades of Purple)

I love the absolute profligacy of the prose.

That sounds so nice. I wish that someone could say that about my writing, which, if I’m honest, is inert, bare of embellishments, like a dead guppy drifting to the surface of an ocean, a television with a broken circuit with wisps of electricity only strong enough to power on the standby light.

When I was young (which was a few years ago. I got my first greys last month, so I guess I’m an old geezer now) I believed that prose had to be straight, to the point, descriptive and a little clinical. It was all about the plot! Now, on the cusp of a new year (it’s Advent already), my mindset has changed, like a chameleon stranded in a jungle of poetry, an interloper in a den of versifiers, a guest wearing the wrong kind of footwear in the Club of Bards. It’s so much fun to write flowery prose *ahem, I mean literary ahem* and I’ve only just begun to experiment with this style.

I don’t know how this style of prose will be received by the web novel fantasy audiences around the world. All I know is that I’ll have fun writing it. This time, I won’t consider publishing my serial novel until I have sixty chapters written down. My last attempt at writing, crashed and burned. 🔥 It got too much to handle, writing two chapters a week and all.

I don’t know why I’m writing this post. It’s almost a confessional…Ugh! It just feels good to get it out, like Mount Vesuvius releasing its pent up fury, or a constipated…( umm…no. I don’t do toilet humour). As I type this out on my phone in the dark, with the light from the screen illuminating my fingers as they move with a virtuoso’s grace, I feel my inspiration fading away like a silhouette sunrise, and bid you all adieu.

See you later alligators

A/N: ‘In literary criticism, purple prose is overly ornate prose text that may disrupt a narrative flow by drawing undesirable attention to its own extravagant style of writing, thereby diminishing the appreciation of the prose overall.’ That’s why I titled this post ’50 shades of purple’

Four Limericks on Indian Cuisines


There once was a lady from Goa
Who mixed chorizo with her sambar
A passing chef did frown
When her lunch box fell down
He hadn’t seen anything so bizarre


There once was a king of Travancore
In whose long reign there’d never been war
Tapioca was planted
When famine descended
And new cuisines did the land explore


There once was a young man from Bengal
Who made everyone else feel so small
He said it was the fish
His mama’s special dish
That made him so incredibly tall


There once was a big strong Jaipuri
Who turned all his food into tandoori
His stomach wasn’t quiet
He soon had to diet
Now he only eats rotis and ghee

Image: sambar