Kidnapped by YouTube

[Warning: This is a long one, since the music videos are integral to this piece. I recommend that you read this only if you have some time to spare. I also recommend turning on the subtitles if they are available]

First off: the news

Without all the smoke and mirrors;

With some splendid views

And a bunch of crazy costumes

(You’re on, Deloraine)

We’ll be right back after a message from our sponsors

(Our sponsor is Smear Noff… What were you thinking?)


Oh, where am I? How did I get here?

I’ll just ask that witch hunter there

Or maybe not… I’m wearing cotton

I’m very flammable and probably full of sin

After that, I felt the need

To partake in a magical deed

I swallowed a magical pill

And it didn’t make me ill

I shrunk and I grew a trunk

And ran amok while chasing smoking caterpillars

Until I came across some kind of mushroom

I grew big again

But then

I forgot my name

And then it came


Unfortunately, I was still trapped

In Wonderland far below

But then I saw dwarfs wearing safety hats

And said ‘hello’

I suddenly felt the urge to break out in song

But something seemed wrong

My voice… wasn’t as deep as I remembered

And the dwarfs responded with some gibberish

I suppose that it was dwarfish

Or maybe catfish

Just as I was about to respond

A troop (troupe?) of elves appeared

They did not just stand around

They threw me into a magic portal and everything disappeared

When I came to, I found myself in a safe cavern

No… it was Ye Olde Taverne

And outside, there was a violet moon

I nodded along to an old medieval tune

But alas, the Golden Horde soon found me

And carried me away to captivity

Their leader summoned me to give me some advice

And then set me free

I bid my goodbye and left to the nearest port

But I was thrown overboard when I tried to stowaway

I guess that it was just my lot

Since I’ve got no beard

I was so distraught that I stepped into an alternate reality

Where Metallica actually sounded jazzy

I ended up be bop dancing

With a redhead dressed in newfangled technicolor

I didn’t think my back could take the pressure

But apparently there was a puppet master

Pulling my strings

But that didn’t matter


I was now

Comfortably numb

I know that this state won’t last for long

Things will soon get better

Or worse

But that’s not going to last long either

Until eventually something does forever

(I have been finding it hard to do anything. I feel so tired all the time. I think that it’s because I’m getting hardly any deep sleep. I’m dreaming most of the time. I can’t remember any of my dreams but I know that it’s happening… a lot. Scenes last from a few seconds to a few minutes before melding into another, with barely any continuity. I remember that, though I don’t remember the actual dreams. It’s strange how my brain works. I will get down to reading all your wonderful poems and essays tomorrow (probably late afternoon.) Please forgive my tardiness. I feel the need to get into a certain state of mind when reading here, and I require a decent level of alertness. I don’t want to just skim through your posts, though I confess that I have done that a few times… Very few times. Which is why I don’t rush things any more, and take a break when I don’t feel up to it. It’s better this way. This also means that some of your posts get lost in my Reader feed. I can’t think of an optimal solution.

I forgot to explain what this post is. I was trying to psyche myself into becoming more alert by keeping my mind occupied with various things. I tried to paint (my first ever actual painting… I didn’t last fifteen minutes. I restrung and played my guitar… Lasted a little longer. I then ended up taking a trip with Youtube’s ‘recommended’ algorithm. Coupled with writing this, it took me a good two hours. If you like it, I can do more of these. There are a lot of interesting music videos out there now, and I enjoyed the exploration.

I messed up with the tenses….it happens, even though it shouldn’t. I would try to correct this usually, after noticing it… but not now.)

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