Division 369 – Sibir (on Ice)

Siberia is cool
but gulags aren’t

Said my dodinch rule
after quothing Kant

Hidden in blue frost
Deep deep underground
They stoke the fires
and make mind unsound

The birthplace of the hussar
Holds the secret of ashes
They let their rape dogs loose
While the oligarch cashes in

How long will he last
under this pain and torture?
Place your bets quickly
And bring your daughters to his slaughter
(The 21st century guide to ‘divine’ parenting)

Ashes to ashes
With stolen spirit
Hot potatoes
Then all ends with radish

Operator, Operator, get me the 1940s

looks like I just missed the Molotov cocktail party 😭

Riddle: How do you win a war against Field Marshal Bugs?

You beat him with a radish, not carrot or stick… Or boot 2 boot. Is there a Wilkes in the house? No? I guess Nikita will have to take a trip to Cuba, then… Or was that crimp a tuba? I might have messed up some connections there…J’acuse the powers that be to the power of 3.

Make this a collect call, Operator. They won’t deny the charges, now that they’re hooked

ehhhh… What’s up, Doug? Still Island hopping? Do you want a ride on my bike as well? No?

you know, Monty was handed his victories by old Adolf himself?

He made the fox run out of gas, you see… And the fox was very touchy about it too

It was touch and go there for a moment, but that mustachio got away with it in the end, because of his stiff upper lip. His grand strategy was to camouflage it in plane sight.

must be his Eat-On education as well… They know a thing or two about les digestifs, after watering the loo with Boney. Old Arthur is well, is he? He was brought up with a guerilla, so I’m never quite sure about him. And he runs around with some unsavoury types, like that ‘Nellsome Hellson’ fellow. That trio had a get together in Bombay, and it didn’t end well. I was left with the bill, in the end

Birds of a Razer, shave together, and it’s all the feathers that Jill can get for the Carnival, poor girl. Let’s give those hares some brains, and a black swan ballerina to perform instead of the regular old Mardi gras gas floats. It’s always better on a Tuesday, since Cinderella ends her moonlight shift early

and a steich in time saves… Nein?

Dasvidaniya, Scarab Bugsovich

(to whomsoever it may concern: respect personal boundaries)