Samurai Girl

She came to our dojo today
With a katana and a story
She wasn’t very good at swordplay
But she was eager to learn

A burning village
Shone in her eyes

[This painting is a work in progress. I haven’t figured out how to use the majority of the software… or even how to draw…Lines are hard! Too tired to do the feet. I’ve been at this for hours… and Oops! about the hair… umm, just ignore that clump on her right. I’ll shade this as soon as I learn how]

Tomb Raiders

She told me she was a witch
Newly graduated from the academy
Her hair shone just like fire
We began our journey
To Central America
Where Aztec tombs awaited
Me and magical Jessica

My second attempt at digital art. I am slowly figuring this out. I don’t know why she is not using a modern torch. Maybe the fire helps her magic.